On-line Submission

Important Dates

2023-10-01: Abstract Submission and Travel Grant Application Open
2024-04-30Deadline for Abstract Submission and Travel Grant Application

2024-05-15: Notification of Abstract and Travel Grant Acceptance
2024-05-31: Deadline for Abstract Author Registration

*All the Important Dates of APASL 2024 STC is based in Taiwan Time zone (GMT+8).

Abstract Category (Oral/ Poster)
Epidemiology CV
Diagnosis DM
Pathogenesis Obesity
Metabolic Treatment
HCC Basic research
HBV Translational research
HCV  Miscellaneous

General Policy
  • The user who submitted the abstract to the submission system would be recognized as the Presenting Author. The presenting author of an accepted abstract (oral and poster) must register and pay the registration fees no later than May 31, 2024 to ensure the rights for the presentation.
  • Abstracts must be original and may only be permitted from local congresses, will not be considered if previously presented at international congresses AASLD and EASL. The accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book.
  • Presenting Authors of accepted abstracts MUST be registered, even if they are a student and be responsible for all expenses incurred in the production of their presentations, travel and accommodation during the Conference. Each Presenting Author can submit UNLIMITED abstracts and can also be a co-author of another abstract.
  • It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correctly edited and accurate abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author. Abstracts will be rejected if they contain no data or if the English is unacceptable. All Presenting Authors will receive detailed presentation guidelines when the abstract has been accepted.
  • Acknowledgement of the receipt of abstract submission will be sent to the Presenting Author’s email address immediately upon submission. The Presenting Author will receive all correspondence regarding the abstract status, presentation type, date and time, via the email that is provided in the abstract submission.

Submission Guidelines
The abstract must be written and presented in English. Each abstract can only be submitted once. The same abstract cannot be submitted for consideration in different award prize/paper categories. Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing your abstract.

The title of the Abstract:
a. Capitalize all principal words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.). Do not capitalize articles, prepositions, or conjunctions when they fall in the middle of a title.
b. NO full stop (or period) at the end and NO underlining.

The Body of the Abstract:
a. Maximum of 300 words. (If attach one table OR one figure OR one image per abstract)
b. Maximum of 500 words. (No attachment.)
c. Only one (1) table/ graph/ image can be submitted as a part of abstract. The maximum file size is 20 MB.
d. References (maximum of 2) can be included in the body of the text.

  • An abstract can only include up to 10 authors, moreover, should the co-authors be not filling in the submission system, and the co-authors will not be shown on the abstract book.
  • Authors are advised to ensure the accuracy of the submitted abstracts. Any mistakes in literature or scientific facts will be published as what is typed.
  • All authors named in the abstract have agreed to its submission for presentation and publish at the 2024 APASL Single Topic Conference on Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease (2024 APASL STC on MAFLD)  and that the authors are familiar with and agree with the stated results.
  • This abstract conforms to all the 2024 APASL Single Topic Conference on Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease (2024 APASL STC on MAFLD) Abstract Rules and Procedures.
  • The Scientific Program Committee of the 2024 APASL STC on MAFLD reserves the right to accept or refuse an abstract, to designate abstracts either oral or poster presentation and to choose a suitable session for the abstract.

Young Investigator Award

  • Applicant must submit the training certification and curriculum vitae to apaslstc2024@gmail.com.
  • Applicant must be aged 45 years or younger at the time of application (birth year after 1979).
  • Applicant must be the first author of his/her abstract and a registered participant of the conference.
  • The presenter must join 2024 APASL STC on MAFLD as in-person participant to compete the award.
  • The shortlisted oral abstract must be presented by the applicant during the meeting.
  • Abstracts will be shortlisted based on scores assigned by the Abstract Selection Committee.
  • Awardee will be given in cash.
  • There will be 5 winners after the YIA session.
1st place USD 1,500
2nd place USD 1,200
3rd to 5th place USD 800
Travel Grant
  • Applicant must submit the curriculum vitae to apaslstc2024@gmail.com.
  • The author must be of a nationality from the Asia Pacific region (Excluding Taiwan as it is the conference location).
  • The presenter must join 2024 APASL STC on MAFLD as in-person participant to compete the award.
  • The author must be the presenting author of his/her abstract and a registered participant of the conference.
  • The shortlisted abstract must be presented by the applicant during the meeting.
  • Priority will be given to the countries with limited opportunities to attend education and training activities.
  • Each awardee will be given USD 800 in cash, please provide the e-ticket and invoice of airfare to received the prize.

Poster Guidelines
  • All poster presentations must be in English.
  • Presenters are required to bring their posters and set them up at the meeting site. DO NOT MAIL POSTERS to the conference venue. No printing facilities are available at the venue.
  • Each poster board will be numberd at the top.
  • Presenters should set up their posters during the designated hours on June 29 by using the adhesive tapes provided onsite.
  • Posters are required to be displayed throughout the event from June 29 to 30.
  • Poster Display Opening Hours
    June 29 (SAT.) 08:00-16:00
    June 30 (SUN.) 08:00-12:00
Poster Format
  • Feel free to adjust the layout, font size, or incorporate graphs / tables as per your requirements.
  • Printing Size: A0 size (841mm*1189mm), portrait orientation
  • For printing of posters (including posting), an additional fee of US$50 will be charged. The deadline for submit file is June 21.

Poster List